Tuesday, April 12, 2011

black days ==

1.16am, i cant sleep !!!!!! bcuz the damn loud BASE n dunnoe who is singing !!!!!!! wat a good day.. stay back at coll until 8sumthing , jam jam jam, around 9 only reach home , whole street r dark +  leafs+ tree trunk, only realize tat here gt heavy rain jz nw...hving dinner at the new open restoran IN HOUSE CAFE ,grand looks + comfortable..bt they copy full house about the display car .. chew ~~~ food r nt really delicious la, bt the bevarage r so nice =D gonna try again...

stepping into house r only the nightmare , HOU KUA JIONG !! likes u r walking on sand, damn dirty lol !!! n lots clothes drop on the floor bcuz blow by wind ?! i tot thief getting in tim ar , there is dark + parent room door is close 1 lol , tot he is hiding inside!! think too much = = ....

nw all move to baba office stay over night here... samn siao la ,sleep on floor in pity enuf d , next shop is karaok summore ,for uncle aunty 1 d la..@@.... beh tahan

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