Wednesday, August 8, 2012



08.08.2012 昨天, 
成绩出炉 ~ :) 
god bless me, get passes in all the 3 papers.
really lack of some confidence this time,
actually it do happened from the last few times,
since i started ignoring all the progress test and mock as well...

now focusing on the last 5 papers,
P paper. not sure whether i can clear these 5 or not.
language problem is always the main issue
some lecturer will always emphasis that language is the key point
yayayaya. with fluent English you can write whatever point that cross in ur mind
the hard time come ! P paper , full with essay question
dont kill me !

sometime, im thinking 
why don't i just stop here 
go get a job
but what kind of job i can get now==
cant be promoting credit card 

have a talked on this with my high school friends last week,
they will never send their children to chinese independent school ever!
im doubt on it.


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